Release Date: June 30, 2022
Fixed: cTrader to MetaTrader 5 mirroring issue
Release Date: June 26, 2022
Fixed: Reporting bugs issue
Fixed: Duplicating mirroring profiles issue
Fixed: Rounding volume issue
Fixed: Some other minor issues
Changed: Updated all dependencies
Release Date: March 21, 2022
Fixed: Re-connection issue
Release Date: February 14, 2022
Fixed: High CPU usage after long reconnection attempts
Release Date: December 27, 2021
Fixed: Crashing after long reconnection attempts
Fixed: High resource usage after long reconnection attempts
Fixed: Not disposing unused resources properly
Changed: Updated dependencies
Changed: Improved logging
Release Date: October 13, 2021
Fixed: Crashing on MetaTrader to cTrader profiles
Release Date: October 4, 2021
Fixed: High CPU usage during reconnection attempts
Fixed: Disconnecting/reconnecting consistently
Fixed: Reconnection dialog not disappearing after successfully reconnecting
Release Date: September 13, 2021
Fixed: Telegram max message length error
Fixed: Null exception crashing issue
Release Date: September 1, 2021
Added: Live and fast equity/balance based volume management for cTrader slave accounts like MetaTrader accounts
Added: Data folder icon on title bar, you can open data folder of cMAM on your file explorer by clicking on it
Fixed: Issue on filled pending orders (cTrader to cTrader mirroring)
Fixed: Not working properly if cTrader master double/reverse the position
Fixed: Regularly crashing on weekends
Fixed: Not working on some VPS
Fixed: Issus with sync open/close
Fixed: Not being able to close the positions sometimes on slave accounts due to incorrect volume value for close order request
Fixed: Issues with accounts categories
Fixed: Not copying properly the pending orders expiry on MetaTrader slave accounts
Changed: SQlite to LiteDB for faster and better data storage
Changed: Migrated to .NET 5.0 from 3.1 Core
Changed: Now cMAM uses OpenAPI.NET library for interacting with Spotware Open API
Changed: Single EXE file deployment, you don’t have to install cMAM on your system anymore
Changed: Removed dependencies, you don’t have to install any dependency on your system to use cMAM
Removed: Adding cTrader accounts via embeded browser, now you can only add cTrader accounts by using the authentication URL and copying authentication code
Release Date: April 30, 2021
Fixed: Telegram notification issue
Fixed: Crashing on MetaTrader to cTrader profiles
Release Date: April 19, 2021
Fixed: Partial close issue on MetaTrader slave accounts
Release Date: April 4, 2021
Fixed: Account authorization issue
Release Date: March 21, 2021
Fixed: Some minor bugs
Release Date: March 14, 2021
Fixed: Lot volume normalization issue
Release Date: February 21, 2021
Fixed: Crashing during weekend API disconnection / reconnection
Release Date: February 19, 2021
Fixed: Position closing issue on cTrader to MetaTrader mirroring profiles
Fixed: Error after clicking on “Later” button on update notification dialog
Release Date: February 18, 2021
Fixed: Some minor bugs on mirroring related to cTrader to MetaTrader profiles
Changed: Now you can view the profile editor while a profile is running
Release Date: February 17, 2021
Fixed: MetaTrader slave EA crash
Fixed: cTrader slave account closed position volume calculation issues
Fixed: Selecting the slave account while scrolling
Fixed: Showing multiple update notification popups
Fixed: Re-opening closed master account trades on slave accounts after EA restart on cTrader to MetaTrader mirroring profiles
Release Date: February 15, 2021
Fixed: Telegram notification issue if the bot is added on a channel
Release Date: February 15, 2021
Added: cTrader <-> MetaTrader 5 mirroring
Added: Fixed volume mirroring
Added: Auto risk (equity / balance) mirroring
Added: Synchronizing slave accounts with master account option
Added: Not copying new orders and managing only copied ones option
Added: Telegram Bot notification
Added: New add account with auth code option instead of directly adding accounts
Added: Bug report icon on title bar
Added: Alias text for cTrader trading accounts
Added: Description text for mirroring profiles
Added: Duplicating mirroring profiles
Added: Max equity loss for MetaTrader slave accounts (cTrader slave accounts doesn’t have this feature now)
Fixed: High CPU usage of MetaTrader to cTrader mirroring profiles
Fixed: Partial close issue of MetaTrader to cTrader mirroring profiles
Fixed: Minor issues in license activation
Fixed: Not being able to connect to new Open API application
Fixed: Lots of other minor bugs
Fixed: Not deactivating accounts that cMAM lose access to
Fixed: Not copying filled pending orders on MetaTrader to cTrader mirroring profiles
Changed: Removed email notification
Changed: Set different port ranges for different mirroring profile types to avoid confusion
Changed: Removed host IP / address from MetaTrader mirroring profiles
Changed: Increased significantly the adding / synchronizing accounts process speed
Changed: Removed “cMAM” from cTrader copied order labels
Changed: Removed dependency to .NET framework
Release Date: January 4, 2021
Fixed: Invalid SL/TP error on CFD symbols for MetaTrader 4 to cTrader mirroring profiles
Fixed: Disappearing account categories after re-adding
Release Date: December 31, 2020
Fixed: Copying order SL/TP while disabled on symbol mapping file on MetaTrader 4 to cTrader mirroring profiles
Fixed: Showing incorrect number of connected clients on MetaTrader 4 Master EA
Release Date: December 28, 2020
Fixed: Several minor issues related to API connection
Changed: Tweaked the API connection code
Added: EAs parameters and stats to MT4 chart
Release Date: December 15, 2020
Fixed: Crashing on consecutive API reconnection attempts
Fixed: Error on starting/stopping mirroring profiles
Fixed: cTrader to MetaTrader 4 mirroring memory leak
Changed: Now cMAM doesn’t remove the MetaTrader 4 slave EA from chart if you stop the mirroring profile, and if you start back the profile it will reconnect to same EA instance
Changed: Improved the cTrader to MetaTrader 4 mirroring by changing the order tracking algorithm
Changed: Updated some dependency packages
Changed: Updated color picker control
Changed: Updated the item selection control
Changed: Updated the licensing library
Changed: Improved logging
Added: Logging parameter to MetaTrader 4 slave EA, by default its set to false which means there will be no send/receive messages on your terminal expert tab
Note: If you have open positions on your cTrader to MetaTrader mirroring profiles you have to close the positions first before updating to this version, as this version uses a new algorithm to track orders so it will not be able to recognize open orders on your MetaTrader accounts, other mirroring profile type are not affected by this change.
Release Date: November 20, 2020
Fixed: Several minor issues
Changed: DI container to a faster one
Release Date: November 11, 2020
Fixed: Symbol digits mismatch between slave/master
Release Date: November 10, 2020
Fixed: Volume multiplier not working properly for indices
Changed: updated dependency packages
Release Date: October 21, 2020
Fixed: Several reported issues in cTrader to cTrader mirroring
Release Date: October 20, 2020
Fixed: Mirroring volume multiplier decimal places issue
Changed: Force copy is now the default behavior in mirroring if the volume value was lower than symbol allowed minimum volume, the symbol minimum volume will be used
Release Date: October 19, 2020
Fixed: Mirroring profiles not starting issue
Fixed: An issue on license registration
Release Date: October 19, 2020
Added: MetaTrader 4 to cTrader and cTrader to MetaTrader 4 copying
Added: Now you can change API host URLs, port, and maximum request per seconds
Changed: The volume unit from cTrader units to lots
Changed: Now there is only one symbol selection table on mirroring profile creator
Changed: Symbol mapping is now connected to slave accounts
Changed: Moved reverse trading to slave accounts
Changed: Now you have to also provide your order ID with email in license registration
Removed: Fixed volume from mirroring, now there is only volume multiplication option
Removed: Menu colors from theme view
Fixed: Lots of major and minor bugs
Fixed: Mirroring issues on cTrader netted accounts
Improved: The program overall code quality
Release Date: August 31, 2020
Fixed: Add account button not working
Fixed: some other reported bugs
Release Date: August 28, 2020
Added: License registration, now you have to register your license on cMAM itself
Changed: Increased significantly account sync speed
Fixed: Some minor bugs
Release Date: July 28, 2020
Changed: Migrated from .NET framework to .NET Core 3.1
Removed: Sleeping feature from mirroring profiles
Fixed: All issues related to access token update
Fixed: Several mirroring related issues
Fixed: Some other minor bugs
Release Date: July 19, 2020
Added: Loading accounts dialog
Fixed: Problem in connection after disconnecting from API service
Fixed: Mirroring profiles sleeping feature
Fixed: A critical bug in database management
Changed: Email notification architecture
Changed: Removed confirmation dialogs from mirroring profiles mass start/stop
Release Date: July 17, 2020
Added: Cancel button on adding account dialog
Added: Cancel button on sync account data
Fixed: Mirroring not working properly
Fixed: All mirroring issues with cTrader copy
Fixed: Issue with mirroring profiles start/stop
Changed: Now the whole app only uses one connection to API
Release Date: July 6, 2020
Added: Shutting down dialog on exit
Fixed: Not recognizing copied orders on slave accounts after mirroring profile/cMAM restarted
Fixed: Some reported bugs related to mirroring
Changed: Now it only uses two connections to API instead of separate connections for each mirroring profile
Changed: UI framework updated
Changed: Some dependency packages updated
Release Date: June 22, 2020
Added: Email Notifications
Added: Category and live columns to slave account selection
Fixed: Outside context error
Fixed: Field not found error on mirroring
Fixed: Not being able to stop a running mirroring profile
Fixed: Error on reporting log data
Changed: Now you don’t have to re-enter the API credentials after each update, now cMAM saves the API credentials encrypted on its data folder
Changed: Theme view now looks much better
Changed: Updated several dependency packages
Release Date: June 8, 2020
Added: Sleeping mode to mirroring profiles
Added: Symbol mapping to mirroring profiles
Added: Settings view
Added: Search box on symbol and slave account selection at mirroring profile creator
Added: Mirroring profile status
Added: Report Logs button on log view
Fixed: Not loading account transactions
Fixed: Not loading account history
Fixed: Account categories disappearing after adding new accounts
Fixed: Mirroring profile stopping issue
Fixed: Some crashing issues
Changed: Moved documentation and about view to title bar
Release Date: May 19, 2020
Fixed: Crashing when Connect API goes to maintenance
Fixed: Getting the maximum frequency reached error
Fixed: Getting reached maximum connection limit error
Changed: Optimized API resource usage significantly
Added: Volume settings per slave account
Release Date: May 14, 2020
Fixed: Several bugs on adding trading accounts
Fixed: Trading accounts search issue
Fixed: Issue with mirroring profile start/stop
Fixed: Mirroring profile not being able to realize orders previously opened
Changed: Updated several dependency packages
Changed: Now you can use your own redirect URI at API configuration
Changed: Home view icons
Release Date: April 21, 2020
Fixed: Reactive dependency issue
Release Date: January 20, 2020
Added: Connect API configuration
Release Date: December 7, 2019
Fixed: Account sync issue
Release Date: November 30, 2019
Fixed: Key exist error on mirroring engine restart
Release Date: November 28, 2019
Fixed: SL/TP mirroring issue
Fixed: Not loading theme view
Release Date: November 26, 2019
Fixed: Account categories disappearance after re-adding
Fixed: A critical bug on adding accounts of same broker from multiple cID profiles
Release Date: November 25, 2019
Fixed: Error when a symbol is not available on slave account
Release Date: November 23, 2019
Fixed: Weekends issue
Release Date: November 18, 2019
Fixed: Some error handling issues
Release Date: November 14, 2019
Fixed: Connection issue
Release Date: November 12, 2019
Fixed: Stopped working bug
Release Date: November 4, 2019
Fixed: A minor bug on mirroring
Release Date: November 1, 2019
Added: Account categorization
Changed: UI
Changed: New mirroring engine
Release Date: Septemeber 16, 2019
Fixed: A minor reported bug
Release Date: August 26, 2019
Fixed: Some bugs in mirroring
Release Date: April 3, 2019
Changed: Connect API default app
Release Date: December 9, 2018
Changed: Now in the accounts list, it shows user ID instead of username
Fixed: Duplicate key error on starting mirroring profile
Release Date: November 25, 2018
Fixed: An issue with adding new trading accounts (We just made it compatible with Connect API behavior as it’s not returning user cID username and email)
Release Date: October 16, 2018
Fixed: Mirroring profile disconnection issue
Fixed: Mirroring profile stopping issue
Release Date: September 21, 2018
Fixed: Too many request error
Fixed: Version 2.5.6 mirroring speed issue
Release Date: September 20, 2018
Added: Using custom connect API app
Release Date: September 12, 2018
Added: Ignore button on the error dialog
Added: Getting user email before reporting the error
Release Date: September 4, 2018
Fixed: Key not found error on starting mirroring profiles
Release Date: August 31, 2018
Fixed: Index out of range error in updating trading accounts
Release Date: February 14, 2018
Fixed: A bug in mirroring
Added: Reverse trading option on mirroring
Added: Enabling/disabling orders expiration time, stop loss, and take profit copying on mirroring
Release Date: January 24, 2018
Fixed: A bug in account view mass orders close/cancel button
Changed: Internet connection check pop-up
Added: Mirroring profiles are able to recognize and manage the orders that were opened before start of the profile
Release Date: December 28, 2017
Changed: New UI
Added: Step by step wizard type mirroring profile creation
Added: New logging module
Added: Being able to add multiple trading accounts to a mirroring profile slave accounts
Removed: Creation of new orders
Release Date: November 5, 2017
Fixed: A bug in getting trading accounts symbols
Fixed: Position not found with id 0 trading API error
Fixed: Some minor reported bugs
Release Date: October 29, 2017
Fixed: Not copying trading accounts cash flow from the previous version
Fixed: Bad Volume error
Fixed: Hanging while loading trading account symbols
Added: Confirmation dialog on application exit
Added: Bring in front the main window on notification popup
Changed: Not supporting anymore the unknown symbols
Release Date: October 9, 2017
Fixed: A bug in adding same cID profile trading accounts
Fixed: A bug in getting trading account symbols
Fixed: Not copying single protection modification of pending orders
Fixed: Some other minor reported bugs
Release Date: September 9, 2017
Fixed: A bug in adding trading accounts
Release Date: September 7, 2017
Fixed: Invalid user id bug
Fixed: Positions and pending orders amending bug
Release Date: September 4, 2017
Fixed: Some bugs on Mirroring
Fixed: Synced with latest Connect API changes
Added: Backward compatibility
Release Date: August 29, 2017
Fixed: Invalid token bug
Fixed: Not closing positions after closing the volume partially
Added: Log folder button
Release Date: August 28, 2017
Fixed: Bugs on trading API authentication
Fixed: A bug on mirroring pending orders SL / TP
Added: New logging with email notification
Added: Shows account margin related statistics on account positions tab
Added: Documentation embedded
Release Date: August 12, 2017
Added: Made compatible with Wealth Symphony Quant broker
Release Date: August 11, 2017
Fixed: Some minor bugs
Added: Grouping trading account, positions, orders and transactions
Added: Selecting order types for mirroring
Added: Shows each trading account net profit
Added: Trading accounts cash flow (Transactions)
Added: More info on status bar
Removed: Trading accounts deals number
Changed: Increased trading accounts adding speed significantly due to removing deals number
Changed: UI tweaked
Release Date: July 11, 2017
Fixed: Trading accounts updating bug
Fixed: Adding new trading accounts from same cID profile bug
Fixed: Canceling trading accounts adding and updating progress dialog bug
Added: Auto reset after installing new version of cMAM
Added: New logging and error reporting model
Changed: Major UI modification and tweaks
Release Date: July 05, 2017
Fixed: Some critical bugs
Added: More customizable UI
Changed: Some major changes on API library
Release Date: June 19, 2017
Fixed: Adding TradersWay accounts bug
Added: Trading account balance on account info
Changed: Moved Add, Save, and Cancel buttons from bottom to top in mirroring tab
Release Date: June 02, 2017
Fixed: Adding multiple cID trading accounts bug
Changed: Some small UI tweaks and changes
Release Date: May 01, 2017
Fixed: Some critical and small bugs
Added: Positions and pending orders modification
Added: Advanced mirroring options
Added: Showing the number of open positions and pending orders
Added: Starting from where you left off
Added: Documentation icon on the title bar
Added: Splash screen
Changed: Increased the account adding speed up to 30%
Changed: Each day log will be saved in separate log files
Changed: Showing accounts broker titles on mirroring accounts list
Changed: Showing accounts description on opening new order views
Changed: Mass trading operations speed improved significantly
Changed: Mirroring engine optimized
Release Date: April 03, 2017
Fixed: Few bugs fixed
Fixed: Performance Optimized
Added New positions closing options
Added: New pending orders canceling options
Added: Opposite mirroring option
Release Date: March 13, 2017
Fixed: Lots of bugs on mirroring engine
Fixed: Bad memory management
Fixed: Slow speed and too much REST requests
Fixed: Stopped Working problem
Added: Extra options on mirroring
Added: Accounts position management
Added: Accounts pending orders management
Added: Opening same position on multiple accounts at same time
Added: Placing the same order on multiple accounts at same time
Added: Theme and appearance customization
Added: Reset feature
Added: Close all open positions of an account or multiple accounts
Added: Cancel all open pending orders of an account or multiple accounts
Added: Showing the number of account total trades
Release Date: January 11, 2017
Fixed: Some critical bugs on copying engine
Fixed: A Bug on trading API library
Release Date: January 10, 2017
Fixed: Bug with following multiple accounts by one account
Fixed: Bug in deleting following profiles
Release Date: January 08, 2017
Fixed: High CPU usage problem
Release Date: December 23, 2016
Fixed: Problem in adding new trading accounts
Fixed: Bug in adding volume to market range orders
Fixed: Reconnecting after disconnection
Added: Decreased accounts loading speed
Release Date: December 06, 2016
Fixed: Symbols selection bug
Fixed: Adding and cutting the volume of pending orders bug
Fixed: Pending order management after filling bug
Iman Alhazmi (verified owner) –
Awesome product. Very efficient and is very cheap relative to it’s capabilities.
Support is also superb. Great job guys!
Urban Tavcar (verified owner) –
Finally an amazing copier for cTrader! It works well, also I tried from cTrader to MT4 and vice versa and it works amazing! Funny price for that quality copier, thank you Developers!
Rist (verified owner) –
Very good and helpful program great support, I strongly recommend it 🙂
supreme –
before it was free, i got errors and the product did not work correctly. there was a support avaliable and he got back to me. After the product got free. the product can not establish a connection and the support is not avaliable and not responding at all.
Product might be nice, but its not usable for me and if you have problems you on your own.
Alex (verified owner) –
I love the copy trader but, where i live my internet is trash , sometime get lost connection and the same time close a trade in the main account close it but the other account dont, you should update add a botton close all next to the play botton
ghulam yasin (verified owner) –
it doesnot provide service for copying accounts in ctrader copy. In the start it worked but lateron it was stopped once people purchased it. very bad
Brij –
great product thanks for creating it. Ctrader to ctrader is awesome, However, copying ctrader trades to mt4, it doesnt copy sl and tp, is this something thats an issue from my side or is it software limitation?if this one thing is fixed this will be the best software for copying.
Admin –
cMAM can copy orders stop loss and take profit from/to MetaTrader/cTrader.
Maybe you haven’t enabled copying stop loss / take profit on your symbol mapping file.
Dzuro –
Great – But not showing equity
Adal –
Today I get AVG message cMAM_3.7.3.exe is infected by Win32 TrojanX-gen. Any info? I download the file from web again the same message!!
Admin –
It’s not infected, Antivirus detect cMAM as a malware because it’s executable file is not signed.
Pedro Rosa –
I tried downloading and it got blocked by Windows Defender as the code base has not being signed, and I tried several ways to make it work but no luck. As I am a developer, is there an option you provide the code base as open source so I can download it and sign it for myself? The other way could be to provide the individual files instead of wrapped up in an installer, to avoid the blocking. This will become a showstopper for most people trying to use it, if not already a showstopper.
Admin –
cMAM has only one executable file, there is no need for installation, the file you downloaded isn’t an installer.
To solve the issue with Windows Defender you can put it on exceptions.
Or you can use a virtual machine to run it.
We are going to sign the cMAM file in near future, but I can’t give you an exact time.
Adal –
I have been receiving an error message for a week before starting my profile:
Error Object referenxe not set to an instance of an object.
So I can not use cMAM 🙁
lais –
the best
Doanh –
How much?
Admin –
It’s free for now.
Xolani –
I’m using version it works well on the PC but I’m getting a SSL error on the VPS. “SSL connection could not be established see inner exception “.
Has anyone faced the same issue?
vusi Dladla (verified owner) –
I’m also having this issue using version it works well on the PC but I’m getting a SSL error on the VPS. “SSL connection could not be established see inner exception “.
Please assist.
vusi Dladla (verified owner) –
I have figured out a way around the above issue, just copy the Cmam data from local PC to your VPS. More info on this link
Alex –
good app
Vudon –
There are some minor issues but those does not affect your trades. Extremely recommended product, thank you 🙂
Martin H. –
Was very pleased with this product untill update
Now the windows see the .exe file as a virus and is no longer working on Windows 2016. Tried 3 different VPS and emailed you weekes ago. No answer.
Please fix asap.
Renne –
Is possible to setup to copy from mt5 to /mt5 /mt4
Dane –
Does this cmam work on a VPS with Windows 2012, hat is the recommended Windows server?
john –
File is not opening please help
Rudolf Ryan Perez –
Working sometimes, latest version full of bugs. Error on updating access token, but how do you fix it when the app only shows EXIT button. So much potential for this app but they dont really care since its free
Jose Ugarte –
Hey, thanks for your program. Its helped me a lot! Greetings from Venezuela.
Stevve –
Cant open the Version wrong at download and my computer doesn’t support? But I have all the requirements you need
Jairo Carrizales –
Does this product work as a trial version and then you have to pay for it? It no longer works for me, it worked perfectly for about 2 weeks and no longer. It says “Getting Acount(s) data..Please wait” and no longer loads
Adonye –
How can I use cMAM on a Mac machine?
cateuse –
I am trying the program on IG.
The symbol on IG for “spx 500” is spx500(£).
The mapping does not work if there is (£)
The program works fine for copying on oanda where there is no £ character in the symbol however on IG it doesnt.
Is it possible to have a wildcard perhaps ?
Dura –
I’m getting a SSL error using on the VPS. “SSL connection could not be established see inner exception “.
I have the latest version
can anyone assist ?
Ethan –
Hi, can you add mt5 toolbox information(account balance, equity, margin level,…) to cTrader as Text in chart? it’s will be awesome.
Arthur –
copying order from Ctrader to MT4,when you click close the order, the orders in slave account will modify to cancel the SL and TP first, then close the order, this operation is really a waste of time, hope you optimize it。(the orders in any slave account have the same problem)
Arthur –
sometimes slave account has latency more than 10 seconds to follow to place an order with a big slipage exceeds the max slipage limitation , this is a big bug, hope you add a limitation of following time ,”don’t follow over some time range”
cMAM user –
Awesome! Thanks a lot!
Thiago Brito –
Does this app still work? I’m testing so much to see if the features are compatible with the needs of my proprietary table, but when trying to log in with cTrader, it says that it is not active
Armando Brecciaroli –
Congratulations for this very useful and very well functioning mirroring app.
Sometimes it crashes during the day and you have to restart it.
It would be fantastic to be able to update the app with the possibility of inserting a check to ensure that the strategies can start automatically when the platform is started.
This improvement would allow the app to be included in a list of scheduled Windows operations to be able to “restart” mirroring every certain time to ensure that it always works.
Greetings and thanks.
Verygood software
Manoes –
Nice product need update on splitting orders in the following scenario,
While we place trades on Master MT4 account lot size 35, and the slave cTrader takes order only 20 while the slave CTrader maximum trade quantity is 20. If possible to splitting orders on slave ctrader placing multiple orders like 20,15 will be more helpful.. BR
Alexandru –
Been trying to set cMAM 3.7.8 up for mirroring between my master MT4 account to a slave cTrader account but I get lost in the process.
First I managed to get everything set up in the MT4 terminal, but cMAM doesn’t recognize my cTrader terminal/account.
I tried doing the API but when I insert the Auth Code in cMAM it prompts the error regarding SSL.
Do you have any ideas on how this could potentially be done? Have I forgotten something?
José Luis –
Hola, yo también tengo el prolema del error de SSL al configurar las cuentas. Estoy tratando de poner en funcionamiento la versión 3.7.8 pero no lo consigo. Algún alma caritativa que nos indique cómo hacerlo?
Lee –
I would like to give a good rating, but I have not been able to get it to work. Version 3.7.8. I have the API Application configured correctly. When I go to add trading accounts the website generates an authentication key, but when I paste that key into cMAM and click “Add Account(s)” I get the SSL error message.
Local Time: 2024-03-25 10:40:26.4119 | UTC Time: 2024-03-25 09:40:26.4119 => System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
—> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed because the remote party sent a TLS alert: ‘HandshakeFailure’.
—> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80090326): The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.
— End of inner exception stack trace —
Any suggestions on where I went wrong?
F.vh –
I want to copy trades from MT5 to CTrader, but I regularly find out that it does not copy some trades or does not copy anything at all after a weekend. Does anyone have experience with this?
Achu –
Hello I have tried the latest version 3.7.8 and it works but after some time the copying does not work even though the application is still active, how do I fix?
John –
Let’s be honest, the developer of cMAM couldn’t be bothered to update this app fixing the bugs in it till date. It is sad to know that the copier fails from time to time. Where it will stop coping trades across to all slaves. This happen frequently without your knowledge only when you notice that the master actually take trades and closed only then you will find out that cMAM copier has actually drop out causing you to miss out on all trades. The only solution is to restart the app- Which is no good at all. My opinion is, make this app a paying one, let it auto re-connect at such time that it drop out and this should be within seconds of failing. I wouldn’t mind to pay to have it. Alternatively this app can be made to be cloud based just like other reliable ones out there, thus ensuring that your slaves are reached 24/7.
Erick –
I keep getting this error when trying to load my cmam “there was an error deserializing the object of type woolicense.models.product”
how do I fix it?
simone –
today it copies the trades correctly, tomorrow not. I don’t understand why, there’s no way to get any kind of assistance because they don’t respond on telegram. Make a paid version, put a reasonable price but offer assistance as it should be done because it is important to have a copy that works, otherwise it makes no sense
Alexander –
Very bad. Can’t keep connection for more than few hours. The log is full of “Client disconnected” and “Can’t send message because client got disconnected” messages. A lot of trades are not copied as a result. Impossible to use autonomously with trading bot on VPS – need to sit and monitor the connection status.
ozgur cihan berk –
hello, When I tried to establish for 3 parities such as eurusd,gbpusd and usdchf on my mt5 account behalf of cMAM master, only one of them (first sequence I established) port get a client and listening. for the other 2 parities it shows “master socket creation failed, try to change the port”.how can I work with both 3 parities master CMAM on same account? there any way? thank you for your aid.
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